Investing in solid house insulation saves money

High heating bills do not come from nowhere. Problems with significant losses heat typically affects older buildings that were built in the years when insulating materials did not have very good properties. Therefore, it is worth introducing changes in houses built several decades ago in order to improve the comfort of living, and at the same time reduce heating expenses.

People who are currently under construction should also think carefully about the issue of thermal insulation. By choosing good quality materials, you can save a lot in the future. This is very important because the prices of fuel, and thus heating, are getting higher every year. It is also worth taking into account the issues of ecology, the smaller the amount of fuel burned, the less harmful gases and dust emitted into the atmosphere.


Warming the house – what savings can you expect?

Most savings can be expected during the insulation of walls. It is this way that escapes the most heat. It is estimated that walls and corners generate up to 20-25% of losses. Roof insulation is no less important. In this case, thermal insulation can provide even 10-20% savings. If the building has an attic, it is also worth properly insulating the ceiling, and do not forget about the foundation and basement walls, which also require proper insulation.

A well-insulated house means not only warmth and savings in the colder seasons but also comfort in summer, as the building is better able to keep a pleasant coolness when the outside temperatures are high.

There are currently many thermal insulation materials. Our company provides PIR boards that are used for polyurethane insulation of buildings and rooms in single-family houses. They are used to insulate pitched roofs, attics, flat roofs, terraces, as well as ceilings, basements, foundations, and floors. They can also be used on the wall when insulating external two- and three-layer walls as well as partition walls or other internal walls.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer.